
domingo, 26 de junho de 2011

Inglês - Texto 3 Ano

Good and bad manners around the globe
Each culture has its own idiosyncrasies. In the West it’s considered bad to burp at the table. In Asia it’s a sign of satisfaction with the meal. So there are several sorts of behaviors you should be aware of when traveling to a foreign country. I`ll give some examples:
A robust handshake in most Western countries is a sign of affection – in most Asian countries including the Philippines it’s as offensive as kissing an unknown person.
Living in Taiwan, I’ve seen the usual no-no’s at the dinner table, for example: Never put your chopsticks in vertical position in your rice – it is a symbol of death. And you should not use a spoon when having soup. You should have it directly to your mouth.
In Russia is normal to bring your own wine or vodka to the restaurant, because some restaurant don’t have license to sell alcohol. In other countries that would be considered a strange or weird behavior.
The English are reserved in manners, dress and speech. They are famous for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humor. Basic politeness (please, thank you, excuse me) is expected. In England it is very impolite for men to wear hats indoors, especially in churches. And please, when yawning or coughing always cover your mouth with your hand. 

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